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Saturday, August 12, 2006

cos of the sms.. =(

just reached home not long ago.. after having dinner with dear and his bball frenz.. thinking whether to meet them to watch the fireworks tmr... hee.. dear say maybe don wan go cos he say scared too hot and sweat a lot.. and den nd to go early.. he don really want.. but i think bottomline is he just scared that i grouchy cos will be too hot and that i will sweat... hee... he just don want me to be unhappy lor.. but seriously, i don mind la... as long as dear dear is there to enjoy the fireworks with me lor.. hee... =)

well, actually dear dear was not so happy when i first reached NUS to look for him... when i was talking to him on the phone, i could already sensed his unhappiness le.. but i really din knw the reason for that... den when i reached the court, he was like quite unhappy and blur... but i din knw the reason and he din say lor.. at first, he gave me a wrong impression.. that he was upset over the fact that JL brought her bf to the session... I was like 'super stunned'!!!!! I din knw wad to say lor... felt quite upset at that time too lor... =(

after that, realized that he was upset over the message i sent to him in the evening.. telling him abt the issue that i am worried things might change when we reach the next transition phase where he starts working, things might start to change.. for the better or worse.. it depends... then dear dear was quite upset about this.. cos he
felt that i din trust him at all after he had done so much reassuring.. but seriously, it wasnt that i don trust him lor.. it was more of a barrier of my own.. that i find it real hard to overcome.. im so sorry dear dear... i trust u mean wad u say.. every word of it... and i believe that our love and r/p will last and ocnquer all odds.. dear dear sent me some smses.. that made me seriously so happy.. i was smiling as i was readin them.. i could sense his sincerity and love... i was really touched! thanks dear! =)

hmm.. well, today i saw a very angry and pissed dear dear... but i think he was still controlling nt flaring up at me.. poor thing dear... so sorry my dear dear! =(

but anyway, i am glad that everythg turned out okie! and that dear is not unhappy with me le! hee... =)

I am still very happy and elated! cos my dear dear bought me the bag i loved! keke... and that he bought me the blue rose... hee... oh.. dear dear, i seriously don nd flowers at all occasions yah.. not even valentine's day.. don nd to spend ur money like this.. The most important thing that I can want from you is your love, care and love again! =)

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~ Chester ~

~ Bliss ~
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