Been a long time since any of us last blogged! oopsies!!! =p
Anyway, holidays are coming to an end. So sad. =( But anyway, dear and I went to Nenasi and Genting during the holidays. And my poor darling is in ICT now. Miss him loads... =(
Anyway, we totally enjoyed ourselves during the two short trips.. hehe... it was dear dear's first time at fishing. But he was like a pro leh.. hehe... Well done dear! We are definitely looking forward to the next one.. Hopefully in August or Sept..
Photos! =p

All of us with our catch at the end of the first day! hehe.. quite a good catch for big fishes.. hehe.. happiness!
Dear dear's big catch for the first day! hehehe.... GT! Yeah! very pretty fish when it is in the water... =)
Dear and me with the catch.. hehe...
oh , btw there were lots of sotongs too... forgot to take pictures when we ate the sashimi! super nice! We just cut and ate them on the boat... nice! =)

Me and dear with my parrotfish! Hehe... my best catch! =) Super yummy... very sweet... hehe...

Us and our fishing kakis at the end of the second day... hehe...
Well, will upload more photographs soon... =)